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172 results tagged
Famous AI Artist Says He's Losing Millions of Dollars From People Stealing His Work
Nintendo accuse le développeur de Palworld d’avoir «enfreint plusieurs brevets» et l’attaque en justice
Paraguay Loves Mickey, the Cartoon Mouse. Disney Doesn’t. - The New York Times
Neither the devil you know nor the devil you don't
Mickey dans le domaine public – Framablog
Is TETR.IO legal? - osk blog
Taxe streaming: Spotify "désinvestira la France", selon son patron
En finir avec la taxe copie privée – Framablog
Willingham Sends Fables Into the Public Domain
TV Museum Will Die in 48 Hours Unless Sony Retracts YouTube Copyright Strikes * TorrentFreak
Internet Archive Sued for Copyright Infringement by Major Labels – Rolling Stone
Émulateur Dolphin - What Happened to Dolphin on Steam?
Apple could force a 111-year-old fruit company to change its apple logo
Ed Sheeran, Once Again, Demonstrates How Modern Copyright Is Destroying, Rather Than Helping Musicians | Techdirt
Mark Sumner: "Seems like a good day for a reminder of how quick…" - Mastodon 🐘
RojaDirecta — Wikipédia
Patent infringement
Jon Juarez (@harriorrihar): "Do you think this does not violate my copyright?"|nitter
Alice 🌹 Cecile (@AliceICecile): "The Machinery is shutting down. Crying shame; they seemed to really be doing something unique in game engines.The gut punch though is that all license end in 14 days and you must delete your copy 😱 Closed source tools are an existential risk.https://ourmachinery.com/"|42l - nitter
Les propriétaires de locations saisonnières contraints de payer des droits d'auteur à la Sacem
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