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Ed Hawkins (@ed_hawkins): "A year of record breaking global temperatures" | nitter.poast.org
Évolution des votes en France métropolitaine entre 1969 et 2024
Datapolitics (@datapolitics_fr): "🏛️Qui dit dissolution dit fin de législature à l'Assemblée nationale. L'occasion de faire un bilan : au delà des discours, des alliances et fractures, comment les députés ont voté par rapport aux autres ? Éclairage des 4 000 scrutins publics des deux dernières années (1)⤵️" | nitter.poast.org
Karim Douïeb (@karim_douieb): "Land doesn't vote, people do! French edition. 🗳️ Each municipality was transformed into a dot, with the area of the dot proportional to the number of voters 👉 a more accurate representation of voting patterns. Nonetheless, right-wing support 🟤 remains concerning." | nitter.poast.org
Nassira El Moaddem (@NassiraELM): "Partagez ce visuel autour de vous : famille, amis, voisins, collègues. Partout ! Dites à tout le monde de voter. Merci @JulesGrandin" | nitter.poast.org
Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel (@Ra_GarVal): "151 ont aujourd’hui un·e élu·e Nupes ou DVG. C’est vrai, 49 ont un·e député·e RN, un peu plus de 50 % du contingent d’extrême droite à l’Assemblée. Mais surtout, 121 ont un·e député·e macroniste." | nitter.poast.org
Explorez notre carte inédite de la pollution des eaux souterraines en France
lilipads/gradient_descent_viz: interactive visualization of 5 popular gradient descent methods with step-by-step illustration and hyperparameter tuning UI
biosustain/shu: Multi-dimensional, trans-omics metabolic maps.
Mario meets Pareto
Airfoil – Bartosz Ciechanowski
Segment Anything Model
The Hidden Territory: USGS’s 1950’s to 1970’s Isometric Geological… – SOCKS
Inside the Matrix: Visualizing Matrix Multiplication, Attention and Beyond | PyTorch
Bret Devereaux (@BretDevereaux): "I also dislike the pyramid shape's implication about the size of each group, which did vary from society to society and wasn't always clearly pyramid shaped. I made some 'block charts' of ancient societies based on modern demographic estimates that show a range of shapes:" | nitter
Population.io by World Data Lab
Transform boring charts into beautiful information with Stable Diffusion (SDXL)
LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs
visualising data structures and algorithms through animation - VisuAlgo
[2307.09793] On the Origin of LLMs: An Evolutionary Tree and Graph for 15,821 Large Language Models
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