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17 results tagged
Restitutor Orientis (@restitutorII): "🇹🇷 Turquie: Test du drone furtif Anka-III avec une munition hors soute. Le drone pourra transporter plus de munitions, mais cela se fera au détriment de sa furtivité." | nitter.poast.org
Avec le mécanisme d'ajustement carbone aux frontières, le ciment…
Can Okar (@canokar): "BRAIN DRAIN IN TURKEY Istanbul German High School graduates 2011: 61% placed at Turkish universities, 35% abroad (https://www.ds-istanbul.net/Files/mezunlar/2011-mezunlari.pdf) 2022: 1% placed at Turkish universities, 87% abroad (https://www.ds-istanbul.net/Files/mezunlar/2022-mezunlari.pdf) Kids now leave at first opportunity. Will any come back?" | nitter
Turkey elections: For millions of housewives, Erdogan is still number one | Middle East Eye
Turkey Presidential Elections 2023: Would Erdogan Peacefully Concede to Kilicdaroglu?
Damage Control (@WarInUkraineYet): "2023 Gazantiep Earthquake: An Exercise in Corruption.The double earthquake which hit southeast Turkey quickly became one of the most horrifying natural disasters in recent memory.Turkey however is no stranger to such events, and there are many lessons to be learned.1/18" | La Contre-Voie - nitter
TCG Anadolu: Turkey launches its largest warship, the world's first 'drone carrier' | Middle East Eye
Restitutor Orientis II 🇯🇵 (@restitutorII): "Turquie : Voici l'hôpital public de Malatya pendant le deuxième séisme de 7.8, les isolateurs sismiques font le travail, bilan: Aucun dégât.." | La Contre-Voie - nitter
Joseph H. Kennedy (@aJollyAdventure): "This is crazy! 🤯 We used @ASFHyP3 and AutoRIFT, the ITS_LIVE glacier tracking software, to map the displacement from the #turkeyearthquake with incredible fidelity. Graphic by Alex Gardner, @NASAJPL" | La Contre-Voie - nitter
Jakub Janovsky (@Rebel44CZ): "@BaykarTech General Manager @haluk : • Number of TB2 exported countries increased to 24 • 98% of our 2022 revenue comes from exports • We produced more than 400 TB2, around 20 Akıncı • We are planning 500 TB2, 40 Akıncı production in 2023"|nitter
C'est Félix Sartiaux. Pendant le génocide grec, il a fabriqué des drapeaux français et les a placés sur les maisons grecques afin qu'ils ne soient pas pris pour cible par les Turcs : france
«Monsieur Öz, vous avez commandé une pizza, or une personne [suspecte] a fait de même» - Libération
AmnestyInternational sur Twitter : "In 1998 we campaigned for release of a prisoner of conscience @RT_Erdogan. Now we're asking him to release our staff https://t.co/u78XOeBnPt https://t.co/lS8Tpt60QX"
Aleppo Has fallen: But The Conflict Is Far From Over (pt.1) | The Huffington Post
Turquie : le patron du journal d’opposition « Cumhuriyet » placé en détention
Turkish Police Detain HDP Co-Leaders Selahattin Demirtas, Figen Yuksekdag and 9 MPs - KurdishQuestion.com
Vague d'arrestations dans des médias d'opposition en Turquie
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